Saturday, 4 July 2009

Magical problems?

Just a short one for today.

Now why is it that Pagans are able to erect a magical
barrier which can exclude unwanted beings for entering; can dance around circles and raise such a large amount of mana/magic that when sent off, it can almost do anything (such as Gardner/Crowley/Whoever protecting the British Isles in during the Second World War); we can make a simple Witch's Bottle that, when burried, will protect a house; that we can make a staff of hawthorn that can mend the most broken of hearts - but we still can't do the supposedly simple task of levitating pencils?

I think we need a real-life Willow...


Moonroot said...

The Rite of the Levitating Scribing Tools is passed to adepts only... such powerful Magicks are not for just anyone!

Leaf said...

Apparently the Secret Words of Levitation are passed to you at initiation...